Dr. Todd J.Anderson
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology
Foothills Hospital and University of Calgary
Karen Basian
Chief Financial Officer
724 Solutions Inc.
Sonia Baxendale
Executive Vice President, Global Private Banking and Investment Management Services, Wealth Management
Alain M.Bellemare
Vice President, Operations
Pratt & Whitney Canada
Dr. Steffany A.L.Bennett
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry
Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa
Stéphane Boisvert
Business Unit Executive, Net Generation Business and Life Sciences
IBM Canada Ltd.
René Bourdages
Executive Vice President, Programming, Sales and Marketing
Astral Television Networks Inc.
Cindy Burton
Former President and Chief Executive Officer
iWave.com Inc.
Shannon L.Byrne
Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer
Paradata Systems Inc.
Wade R.Cachagee
Founder and President
Cree-Tech Inc.
Helena C.Cain
Vice President, Sales
Aliant Telecom
Samuel L.Duboc
President and Managing Partner
NB Capital Partners Inc.
Joanne F.Dunbar
Partner, Mergers and Acquisitions Due Diligence
Ernst & Young
Darren Entwistle
President and Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Deborah Fels
Director, Centre for Learning Technologies and Assistant Professor, School of Information Technology Management
Ryerson University
A. Mark Foote
President, Canadian Tire Retail
Canadian Tire Corporation
Brock J.Furlong
Maple Leaf Poultry
Jordan P.Gnat
President and Chief Executive Officer
Midnorthern Group Inc.
Dr. May Griffith
Assistant Professor, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Department of Ophthalmology
University of Ottawa
Tim D.Hockey
Senior Vice President, Core Banking & Small Business
TD Bank Financial Group
W.Dean Hopkins
Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer
Cyberplex Inc.
E.M.Blake Hutcheson
President and Chief Executive Officer
CB Richard Ellis Limited (Canada)
Joel M.Leonoff
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
SureFire Commerce Inc.
Adam A.Lorant and Paul B.Terry
Vice President, Marketing & Product Management
Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Research and Development
Abatis/Redback Network Systems Canada Inc.
Jon D.Manship
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Spielo Gaming International
Dr. Marco A.Marra
Co-Director (Scientific)
Genome Sequence Centre, BC Cancer Agency
Byron C.Neiles
Director, Public Affairs
Enbridge Inc.
Richard (Rick) J.O'Connor
Chief Technology Officer
Tundra Semiconductor Corporation
Brendan J.Paddick
President and Chief Operating Officer
Regional Cablesystems Inc.
David G.Park
President and Chief Executive Officer
TrueNorth Energy Corp.
Dr. Josef M.Penninger
Associate Professor and Senior Scientist
Amgen Institute, Ontario Cancer Institute and Princess Margaret Hospital
Tommy Petrogiannis
Co-Founder and President
Silanis Technology Inc.
Janet M.Podleski and Greta A.Podleski
Co-Authors and Vice Presidents
Granet Publishing Inc.
François Rainville
Co-President and Chief Executive Officer
Alexander R.Reford
Director and President
Les Jardins de Métis
Dr. A.Keith Stewart
Director, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
University Health Network
Christi Strauss
General Mills Canada, Inc.
Marc P.Tellier
President and Chief Executive Officer
Sympatico-Lycos Inc.
Jennifer A.Wood
President and Chief Executive Officer
Viewtrack Technologies Inc.
Cattle & Co. Investments Inc.
Edmonton Stockyard Inc.
Saskatoon Livestock Sales
O.A. Brown Ltd.
Weiller & Williams Ltd.
Weiller & Williams (Saskatoon) Ltd.
Jo Mark Zurel
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
CHC Helicopter Corporation
Please note
Honourees stated roles and organizations reflect positions held at the time of award.