Leonard Asper
President and Chief Executive Officer
CanWest Global Communications Corp.
Réal Bergevin
Chief Executive Officer
NuComm International
Dr. Mickie Bhatia
Research Scientist
The John P.Robarts Research Institute
David Booth
President and Managing Director
Compaq Canada Corp.
Derek J.Burney
President and Chief Executive Officer
Corel Corporation
William Butt
Executive Managing Director, Co-Head, Canadian Investment and Corporate Banking
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Heather Conway
Executive Vice President, Corporate and Public Affairs
Alliance Atlantis Communications
Mike Cordoba
President and Chief Operating Officer
Boston Pizza International Inc.
Wayne J.Crawley
Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Development
Emera Energy
David G.Cynamon
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
KIK Corporation
Michael Detlefsen
Executive Vice President, Vertical Coordination
Maple Leaf Foods, Inc.
Renato J.Discenza
Senior Vice President, Supply Chain and Capital Management
Bell Canada
Dr. Aled Edwards
Professor, University of Toronto Chief Scientific Advisor
Affinium Pharmaceuticals
Kenneth M.Hartwick
Chief Financial Officer
Hydro One Inc.
Tom Hickey
Frontline Safety Ltd.
Dr. Christopher Hogue
Senior Scientist
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
Mount Sinai Hospital
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry
University of Toronto
Melanie Kau
Alek Krstajic
Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing, Programming and Product Development
Rogers Cable Inc.
Eric R.LaFlèche
President, Loeb Canada Inc. & Senior Vice President, Super C
Metro Inc.
Debbie LeValliant
President and Chief Executive Officer
AMIRIX Systems Inc.
Keith Martell
First Nations Bank of Canada
William Morneau
President and Chief Executive Officer
Morneau Sobeco
Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk
Joint Chief Executive Officers
BioWare Corp.
Joseph Natale
Country Leader
KPMG Consulting Canada
Senior Vice-President, Global Automotive and Transportation Industries
KPMG Consulting
Karen Oldfield
President and Chief Executive Officer
Halifax Port Authority
Lorne Paperny
Canada Diagnostic Centres – Western Canada MRI Centre
Peter Penashue
Innu Nation
Johanne Picard-Thompson
Senior Vice President, Canadian Region
Alexander J.Pourbaix
Executive Vice President, Power Development
TransCanada PipeLines
Satish C.Rai
Vice Chair, TD Asset Management and Senior Vice President
TD Bank Financial Group
Paul-André Savoie
President and Chief Executive Officer
Datacom Wireless Corporation
Dr. Michael Sherar
Senior Scientist and Associate Professor
Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital and University of Toronto
Dr. Molly S.Shoichet
Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Cody Slater
President and Chief Executive Officer
BW Technologies Ltd.
Jody Steinhauer
Chief Visionary Officer
The Bargains Group Ltd.
Belinda Stronach
President and Chief Executive Officer
Magna International Inc.
Kenneth M.Tanenbaum
Vice President, Business Development
Lafarge Canada Inc.
Sylvain Toutant
President and Chief Executive Officer
Réno-Dépôt inc.
Louis Vachon
Senior Vice President, Treasury and Financial Markets
National Bank of Canada
Robert L.Vanderhooft
President and Chief Investment Officer
Greystone Managed Investments Inc.
Please note
Honourees stated roles and organizations reflect positions held at the time of award.